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Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Pumpkie Clans
Take a closer look at the Pumpkie Clans of Tenebris!
Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Pumpkies
Pumpkies are a fierce and loyal animal whose ability to communicate telepathically with other beings, including humans makes them a uniquely powerful animal. Once Tenebris’ greatest allies, pumpkies (pronounced pump-keys) have since faded into legend. But these magic-wielding cat-like creatures are anything but myth! Dwelling in the mountain ranges of northwestern Tenebris, the three Pumpkie…
Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Shamira
Meet Shamira, a fierce cat-like creature from my upcoming novel, Fire & Flight!
World of Tenebris: Happy Serenmae!
Learn about Serenmae, the coldest season featured in my young adult fantasy trilogy, the HEIRS OF TENEBRIS!