It’s ALMOST release day!

With just a week away until the release day for the first novel in my young adult fantasy series, the Heirs of Tenebris trilogy, I thought I’d share some important details before Fire & Flight’s big day!
Fire & Flight will be available as an e-book, paperback, and hardcover through Amazon. To help celebrate release day (or should I say “release week?”), I’ll be running a special deal on the e-book until July 23rd, though I’ll share more about that on release day????.
With release day just around the corner, I’ll be posting more about where to purchase Fire & Flight and dropping the link to grab your copy on release day, so mark your calendars and keep an eye on my social media! If you haven’t followed me or signed up for my newsletter, there’s still time before big day! My social media links are in the footer below and you can sign up for my newsletter here, which I’d highly recommend doing so you can gain access to exclusive content right to your inbox every month and important updates about release day.
I truly cannot wait to share Fire & Flight with every one on July 19th. Until then, welcome to Tenebris—I hope you enjoy your journey!