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Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: History is Complicated

November 17, 2021

Over six hundred years ago, what is now Tenebris and Eurland ceded from Corvus in a rebellion for their independence. Formed by religious and cultural minorities, Tenebris has thrived since the events of the Ten Years War… and the subsequent Great Tenebris War, maintaining its sovereignty and forming its own cultural identity as the centuries went on.

Brianna R Shaffery Author

Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Xander

November 10, 2021

Meet Xander, Nyla’s new and most trusted friend in the upcoming novel Fire & Flight!

Introducing the World from My HEIRS OF TENEBRIS Trilogy: Political Landscape of Tenebris

November 3, 2021

Yesterday was election day in the US, and while we’re exercising our right to vote, I thought this would be a good opportunity to share the political structure of Tenebris, the fictional backdrop of my upcoming YA fantasy novel, Fire & Flight.

From the Heirs of Tenebris Trilogy Universe: The Delhart Family

October 20, 2021

Meet Nyla’s family and become a part of the Delhart family in this introductory post from the Heirs of Tenebris universe!

Introducing the World of Fire & Flight : Myths of the Shadow Forest

October 13, 2021

Learn about the myths of the perilous Shadow Forest in this week’s World of Fire & Flight!

Introducing the World of Fire & Flight : Nyla

September 29, 2021

Meet Nyla, the main character of my upcoming novel, Fire & Flight!

Introducing the World of the Heirs of Tenebris Trilogy : Harvum!

September 22, 2021

As today is the official start of our fall, I wanted to wish everyone a happy “Harvum” as my characters get ready to celebrate the change of seasons in their world, the kingdom of Tenebris!


September 15, 2021

Stay tuned for more information and updates about my upcoming novel – I cannot wait to share it with y’all????

The Cut File

October 10, 2020

Have you recently finished a draft and are staring down a ruthless round of revisions? Whether it’s your first or almost final draft, now is the time to look at your writing with a critical eye, ironing out details in the revision process or fixing those typos you swear weren’t there before (been there, said…

The Road to Fire and Flight

July 8, 2020

My journey writing a novel started began in 2016, and I couldn’t be happier to share my experience with all of you! It was a long process but it was also incredibly gratifying. Never give up on your goals!

My Top 5 Pieces of Writing Advice

June 29, 2020

Here’s my list of the Top 5 best pieces of writing advice I’ve learned over the last few years.

Writing Advice: Take It With a Grain of Salt

June 24, 2020

Over the years, I’ve seen and tried to follow an abundance of writing advice or “rules”, and when you’re new to writing, some of these hints and tips can either encourage you or greatly hinder your writing.
Recently though, and much in part thanks to my journey writing Fire and Flight, I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of advice and rules you’ll stumble across while perusing the internet are complete hogwash.