Map of Tenebris


Traverse the fantastical world of Tenebris with this map inspired by Nyla’s and Xander’s travels in the epic fantasy series, the Heirs of Tenebris. Chart your own journey along the Union River or through the rolling hills of the Godberd Woods or follow along with the adventures of Nyla and Xander as they travel across the country in search of answers and to stop the grave danger threatening all of Tenebris.

Drawn by Marcella Thaler, Head of Cartography for the Tenebrese Legacy Committee

  • 8” x 10” print on premium cardstock


Traverse the fantastical world of Tenebris with this map inspired by Nyla’s and Xander’s travels in the epic fantasy series, the Heirs of Tenebris. Chart your own journey along the Union River or through the rolling hills of the Godberd Woods or follow along with the adventures of Nyla and Xander as they travel across the country in search of answers and to stop the grave danger threatening all of Tenebris.

Drawn by Marcella Thaler, Head of Cartography for the Tenebrese Legacy Committee

  • 8” x 10” print on premium cardstock