Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Raverins

YA Fantasy Series | Indie Author Brianna R. Shaffery
A majestic raverin, depicted here by Marcella Thaler Design

Raverins have an ambiguous history with the country of Tenebris. The eagle-sized, fork-tongued creature is both revered and considered to be a bad omen by the people of Tenebris. While the origins of this belief are unknown, the connotation remains strong in certain areas of the kingdom, even though the bird has long been designated by the Caradel royal family as the royal bird of Tenebris. The fierce and loyal bird is featured on many crests and in artworks throughout Tenebris, including the Caradel family crest and is one of many symbols attributed to the Tenebrese military.

With matte black feathers and an impressive wingspan, a raverin (pronounced /reyv-er-ahyn/) also features scales beginning at their mid torso and a tail like a dragon rather than tail feathers. Graceful flyers, raverins are incredibly intelligent. For this reason, they are often trained as scouts or messengers by the Tenebrese army. However, raverins aren’t capable of the same telepathic communication with humans as the pumpkies are.

Despite being used as a dependable food source for many Tenebrese and the skepticism surrounding the bird, raverins are an important symbol of Tenebris and play a large role in my award-winning young adult fantasy Heirs of Tenebris trilogy.

You can learn more about raverins by signing up for my newsletter or see how they impact Tenebrese history in my Heirs of Tenebris trilogy as main characters, Nyla, Xander, and Shamira piece together the truth behind the myths of the Shadow Forest.