Introducing the World of Tenebris: Pyrosas

Learn about the fiery pyrosa, a creature from my award-winning young adult fantasy adventure trilogy, the Heirs of Tenebris.
A pyrosa, as drawn by the talented Marcella Thaler Designs!

Neither bird nor rodent, these slender bodied creatures of the flame from the young adult fantasy trilogy, the Heirs of Tenebris, are known for their beautiful tail plumage and the Tappentine myths surrounding them. According to Tappentine (pronounced /tap-en-teen/) legends, the charcoal-colored eyes of a pyrosa (pronounced /pie-roh-sah/) are believed to be able to set your soul ablaze, supposedly damning you to a wretched afterlife. While it can’t be said for certain whether or not this is myth or fact, it is known that pyrosas are able to spit fire. Quick and agile, these maroon- and deep orange-colored creatures are rarely spotted near populated areas. With tufted crown feathers of a pale yellow, pyrosas are not known to be social creatures and prefer solitude.

Just one of many fantastical creatures from my young adult fantasy, the Heirs of Tenebris trilogy, pyrosas can be found in the mysterious Shadow Forest. Embark on a journey through Tenebris alongside Nyla, Xander, and Shamira as they navigate century old legends, legacies they can’t outrun, and a future that depends on them.