Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Religion

Long ago, Tenebris was originally part of Corvus, though Tenebris split from its former country to form its own, bringing with it the traditions and belief of the religious and cultural minorities of Corvus. Bonded by their desire for independence, the new country of Tenebris largely adopted Oldegion (pronounced old+egion as in region without the “r”) and became a blend of cultures and traditions that have since evolved into one, cultural identity. After a couple of decades as an independent country, two religions evolved from Oldegion, and are still practiced in Tenebris today: Godberdian and Astretarian.
Godberdian (pronounced god-bird-ian; plural Godberdians)
Almost an exact reformation of Oldegion, Godberdians adhere to the original god and goddess, but now explore the idea of Fate as It imposes Its will on humanity. The idea of “Fate” as an omnipresent, neutral force, stems from the hope of explaining the actions or reason behind certain events that otherwise can’t be explained. Is it Fate that caused the drought that resulted in the discovery of precious minerals? Or the whims of the weather? Perhaps it was Fate, perhaps it wasn’t, but the idea of reason is what helps people believe in a concept like Fate, or else why would anything inexplicable happen otherwise?
Godberdians look toward two deities: Helpet (pronounced Hell+pet) and Corruptio (pronounced Corrupt+chi-o). Together, the pair of deities are the balance of the world, though neither are explicitly “good” or “evil” — though people are partial to Helpet for Her agreeable disposition. Corruptio is often regarded skeptically due to His seemingly prickly nature. Both omnipresent, Corruptio and Helpet seldom agree on how to approach interacting with humanity, often causing strife between the two.
Astretarian (As+tree-tarian; plural Astretarians)
Like Godberdians, Astretarians also look toward two deities, Corruptio and Balmae (“Bal” as in balance + may), as two equal, though two opposite poles of the universe. Working cohesively together, Corruptio and Balmae interfere with humanity dependent upon the specific needs of those They’re interacting with. Sometimes a nudge from Corruptio is all it takes whereas a guiding hand from Balmae can encourage the pair’s preferable outcome. A give and take between the “dark” and the “light”, Corruptio and Balmae are the harmony that lull the world into calm when there is chaos and the drums of war when there is injustice. Often acting in sync with each other, Corruptio and Balmae are neither “good” nor “evil”, but purveyors of judgement for all things between the dark and the light sides of morality.
To Astretarians, the concept of Fate is less apparent. Corruptio and Balmae take on the role of Fate in this religion as active, hands-on forces of the universe that set obstacles and challenges in order to test, guide, and nurture the humans they preside over.
Much of Godberdian and Astretarian faith has to do with morality and personhood than it does with actively adhering to a religious law or order. While parishes of all religions can be found in Tenebris, the Godberdian and Astretarian faiths focus on the relationship between the individual and their faith’s deities. How would their deities interact with them if They saw fit? Would they meet Their challenge, be given Their blessing if they were to seek it out, or would they fall short of Their judgement? Only Corruptio and Helpet or Corruptio and Balmae can answer that, as it’s all left up to Fate for Godberdians and the decisions one makes as they navigate life and the world around them with a little nudge from their Gods for the Astretarians. Learn more about the deities of the upcoming novel Fire & Flight in the continuation of Introducing the World of Fire & Flight, so keep your eyes open for Helpet’s introduction!